Dragons strike gold at England Trials

The dragons were on fire this weekend at the 2023 English Championships. The event is the gatway to qualifying for the 2023/24 England Squad and as always the team brought their A game. In the U13 Minors, the club was represented by Ralphie Hill, James Peckham, Isaac Sanger and Kiera Dengate. Our young team fought their way through the early rounds with all making it to medal fights. Final results were Ralphie gold, Isaac silver, James and Kiera both finishing just outside the medals in 5th. In the U15 Pre Cadet our team was represented by Sienna Robottom, Viadotas Pulokas and Nikolaos Goudinakis. All 3 were superb with both Sienna and Viadotas winning bronze medals and Nikolaos taking a superb gold medal, an incredible achievement after only retunring to the sport just 6 months earlier. The final group to compete was our U18 cadets. The club was represented by Zara Howe, Charlotte Crawford, Lucy Robinson, Olivia Barfoot-Saunt, Ajin Rubakaran, Sebbie Robottom, S...