Mini Dragons strike gold in Kidderminster


Kin Ryu Mini Dragons made a fantastic return to competition at the Samurai orange and under held in Kidderminster. For some it their 1st event since joining the club in April this year and for others their 1st event in 18 months but everyone was excited to show what they have been working on. 

The event started with the red belt boys and fighting for the club was Rayyan Mezali, Rami Mezali and Joseph Wheatley. For all the boys this was their first judo event and they all fought brilliantly showing the skills they have learned over the past 6 months. Final results were a bronze for Joseph and Rami and silver for Rayyan. 

Following the red belts were the yellow and orange belt boys and Kin Ryu was represented by Bradley Dengate, Alex McKee and Sebbie Robottom. All three boys were excited to return to competition and had really good opponents to push them all the way. The final results were gold for Bradley, bronze for Sebbie and 5th for Alex.

In the red belt girls section, the club was represented by Kiera Dengate, Sienna Robottom and Freya Wheatley. The girls all worked hard to motivate each other and showed amazing team spirit as they cheered each other on. Final results were gold for Kiera and Sienna and bronze for Freya.

The final athlete to take to the mats was Rebecca Worrall in the orange belt girls section. Rebecca was on fire throwing all 5 of her opponents for a maximum ippon score to take the final gold of the day.

Well done team!

Lisa Rivers, Kin Ryu Coach


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