Kin Ryu dragons take on the Welsh dragons!


On Saturday the dragons headed to Cardiff for the Welsh Pre Cadet and Cadet Open. This was the 1st ranking tournament of 2021 and saw some of the best GB athletes taking to the mats.
Representing the the club were Pre Cadets Jack Scriven, Peter Crawford and Lucy Robinson. All three athletes fought well with Jack taking part in his 1st Pre Cadet event, although he didn't win any contests he took away valuable mat time. 
Peter and Lucy are both experienced Pre Cadets and fought well to take Silver and bronze in their categories.

In the Cadets section Callum Burke and Megan Howe both made excellent advances in their new age bands winning their 1st cadet contests. Rhian Hooker was also stepping out at national cadet level for the 1st time and fought well in a tough category. Our final athletes were Declan Knight and Josh Browning who fought well in tough groups. No medals this time but making excellent progress in their categories. 
Well done team.
Peter winning silver


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